Friday, June 25, 2010

Its been 2 long!

Father's Day

The day Mario came home from out of town.

Sea world. Don't you just love how Dalen would NOT take his eyes off the water?! He was waiting and waiting to catch the 1st glimpse of the whales.

Toy Story 3

I have no idea why I have experienced a lack of desire to blog. It's definitley not because there is nothing to blog about! I have to admit I spend the majority of my days feeling bored but I have learned bored does not mean you aren't busy. Most days consist of me taking the kids to the mall where Dalen plays on the playground, fixing lunch, naps then swimming when Mario is home and can watch the baby.

The month of July is SUPER busy for us. The 1st week my parents will be in FL at their house here. The day after they leave one of my friends is coming to visit! WAHOO! I miss my friends! Then I am off to TN for my one of my best friends wedding. We may possibly have one of my husbands friends staying with us the next few days and then the month ends in tons of family and friends in Orlando for the General Assembly! YAY!

Mario has been to New Jersey, stopped in New York and then to Texas. I was so incredibly determined to not be hopelesly bored that I took the kids to Sea World by myself. It was so hellish hot there were a few times I felt as if I were going to collapse. You must remember you can't take strollers into the shows so I would not only have my body heat but the heat of Dalen wrapped around my legs, C on one hip and our 50 pound diaper bag on my other shoulder. YIKES! It was a great day though. We also saw Toy Story 3 and Marmaduke while he was gone. Isn't it amazing that you can be occupied all day everyday and still be bored?

Father's Day was nice but nothing special. Dalen seemed to have one meltdown after another that prevented us from going to eat at Cheesecake Factory. Oh well, I guess Father's Day is all about fatherhood and that comes with the good, bad and ugly.

Dalen is my entertainment but also my trying patience. Here is a little scenario yesterday while we were at the pool. A young BEAUTIFUL girl caught my eye. She was blond, thin and had on a cute little tuquoise two peice. As she came up from the water and used the steps to get out I realize she had on a thong. I immediately began to pray because Dalen doesn't miss ANYTHING! I saw him watch her a lot and I knew that he definitely had seen her butt. Finally he said quietly (THANK GOD), "Mom, her butt fell out of her pull up!" I responded, "No, that's how her bathing suit fits. It's supposed to look like that but we aren't going to say anything or look anymore, ok?" He takes one last long glance at the girls butt and says, "That's disgusting!" I hope he still says that at 16 and until he gets married.

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