Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Put Your Guns Up!

Ladies and Fellas this is a post all about a challenege my husband and I took several years ago. I am not only encouraging you to take this challenge, I am using this post to testify about some things I believe wisdom and boundaries have spared us from.

When one talks about boundaries, many people rebel at the very mention of the word. We have redefined this term to be a reference of deprivation or restriction but when boundaries are established without corrpution they provide one thing; protection. Just for this post (or forever) let's redefine the word boundary.

Boundary-a strong border which encircles everything of importance in our lives to protect and preserve

Wow, I almost sounded like Webster for a moment and yes, I just totally redefined that word on my own...is that legal??

It is time for pastors and their husbands or wives to put their guns up and start to dominate the invading forces of the enemy. The very reason the enemy is at liberty to destroy our ministries through demolishing our marriages is because we have never told him where he can't go. Yes! We have the authority to do that! (Luke 10:19)

Do you want to preserve your ministry? Do you want to celebrate your 50th anniversary happily? You must establish boundaries! Several years ago, before Mario and I were even in a full time ministry position, Mario established some boundaries that we decided would never be compromised. I have done the same as well. These boundaries have kept us from the evil intent of man! Our marriage is going on 5 years strong because of the boundaries we have established.

It is not our job to establish boundaries for our comfort only but even for the esteem of others. The Bible says to flee the VERY APPEARANCE of evil. Get in God's word and read what evil looks like to Him. Protect your marriage, preserve your ministry! Any single peeps reading this establish these boundaries in advance and pray in faith your future spouse will be in agreement with them!

Keep in mind it is not enough to establish boundaries but you must maintain them as well! These boundaries should not be compromised in any situation. Here are a few of my boundaries I have established to protect my marriage and preserve our ministry.

1. I will NEVER ride in a car with someone of the opposite sex unless there are other individuals present.

2. My husband will always have access to my passwords for my social networking accounts, e-mail accounts and my code to check my voicemail.

3. I will never provide counsel to a member of the opposite sex unless my husband is present.

4. I will not text members of the opposite sex unless it is work/minisry related or my husband knows about it.

5. I will never room with members of our youth group on youth trips.

These are a few of the basics. As we progress in life more boundaries have to be added to accommodate the new responsibilities that come in addition to the blessings God entrusts us with.

There have been times where we have failed at maintaining these boundaries because it can place us in difficult situations but I would rather be uncomfortable for a moment than a lifetime living with regret and shame because I opened my front door to the enemy and allowed him to camp out in my living room.

How many of you will take this challenge to protect your marriage and preserve your ministry? What are some of the boundaries you established?

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