Have you ever learned a lesson (possibly more than once) and then more you learn the deeper the wound and the harder to cope? I have really opened myself to be teachable in the last few years of my life. The more I learn, the more I realize I have a long way until I can call myself wise.
As I learn lessons, some painful, others intriguing, and all victorious, I have seen a strength in my character. If I learn a lesson pertaining to motherhood, I try to learn and get back in the same game, situation, circumstance and do it better the next time. I learning that isn't always a strength but rather a weakness at times.
Sometimes the best method to life is to withdraw. Withdrawing isn't a form of laziness but many times it is a strategy of the wise, to back up, reflect, heal and then try again in the right timing. Other times I am certain we should go through no situation twice! But I am learning when a lesson is too painful and damaging to my emotional state and character my best bet is to withdraw. Never mentally but physically.
When you withdraw physically your heart is out of reach but your mind continues to process and healing can take place. There are those places I want to go, people I want to befriend, dreams I want to see come to pass but I am learning thrusting myself into circles and places can be permanently damaging.
Distance can always do a mind good.
Mario Bros Birthday Party
2 days ago
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