When you become one with your spouse, all selfishness should
dissipate. You should think solely of your spouse as they solely think of you. Giving 110 % at all times. Although its exhausting I believe I believe Christ intended marriage to be this way; selfless, pure, and loving. When you give birth you should become even less selfless. It's really hard to lose yourself in others when it means considering others before making decisions or choices. Though at times your intensions and motive may be pure and innocent sometimes as a wife or mother or friend we must STOP. Stop to think how will others be affected by simple choices we make everyday. After all I don't think we were created for us. We were created to be the hands and feet of Jesus doing his working in the behalf of others lives. So before you make that small or maybe BIG choice just STOP. Stop and think of the consequences, repercussions or benefits not for yourself but for others. Choices are what pave the future and reserve our eternal residence.
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