Monday, May 5, 2008

Home Sweet Home

Stretching Dalen's Cousin Davian (carolina in the background)
Grandma helping Dalen stand
Aunt Kristen

Wild Wings

On Thursday we headed to South Carolina for the funeral. It was a really peaceful trip. Dalen did AMAZING on the four hour drive home. We stopped for him 2 twice to get out of his car seat and stretch. South Carolina is home for Mario so it was a true delight to take our son where so many memories still linger.

Thursday night was skate night for Devon (our 6 year old nephew). The more people that represent his class the better chance they have at getting a pizza party. So, the 3 of us packed up to attend this little event. It was GREAT fun. Devon's dad had to work but we had a nice time catching up with Kristen our sister-in-law. After a while of Devon skating on his own he FINALLLY talked Mario into skating. Oh my what a sight!! He put on a pair of rollerblades and glided around an around the rink. He got the bright idea to take Dalen around a few times in his arms....IRRESPONSIBLE, DANGEROUS, REDICULOUS...yeah I know, I was thinking the same thing.

After a few times around the teen d.j. comes on the speaker adivising anyone with a child in their arms to exit the rink. It was quite humorous! Enjoy the video.

After skate was over we headed over to Wild Wings to see Ques (Mario's brother) at work and get a bite to eat. Needless to say my little one was worn out. We looked over at one point and he had propped his feet up on the table. It is probably my favorite pic yet.

On Friday, we had a beautiful celebration of life as we laid a beloved woman to rest. It was a great time of fellowship with family as well. Dalen got a lot of quality time with his grandmother and cousins. He loved getting to "pet" our old dog Carolina who now lives with Mario's family.

My favorite memory of the trip was visting his family on Friday night. Dalen began to get fussy as he ALWAYS does when he gets tired. Everyone wanted to know what was wrong with him and we began all kinds of tactics to get him to sleep. None of them worked. Mario encouraged all to join in and sing Jesus Loves D (Dalen's remix to jesus loves me) and before we knew it the Hood Quartet had sang him peacefully to sleep.
For the first time every visiting Mario's home, South Carolina, I left saying Home Sweet Home. It was a peaceful visit filled with lots of laughter and fellowship.

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