Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mama said Part 2

It's still raining. Oh, well. One of those days you just have to pray for sanity and patience with two kids indoors. I bought three new flashlights today after our power outage yesterday. I don't think they will do any good if we have another one considering I let it slide and the kids have played with them most of the day. Back to my previous post... So we already established yesterday was not so great. I went to bed with unifinished business including a HEAPING mound of laundry and TWO sink fulls of dishes. Unfortunately, I learned I am no magician. They were still there waiting on me when I woke up. So was everything else-including, ironically enough, another HORRIBLE day of bad weather! I know that you shouldn't go to bed mad and that the sooner you start the process of healing the sooner the pain subsides and the more proactive you are about your future the more vividly it's seen in today but I still go to bed mad, do not pray for healing, and get comfortable with where I am today. Horrible, I know. But, I'm learning. Learning that when you wake up with high hopes of a sun filled morning you must first sweep up the peices of yesterday and until the dust settles the day will be quite hazy. I can't remember how many times I said goodbye to yesterday. I laid in bed for a while awake saying, "Adios!" and yet today I woke with the same annoying sting from the wounds of yesterday. Don't be like me. Don't wait for tomorrow to do that laundry, wash those dishes, look for that perfect house...just do it. Otherwise the bad day grows to worse and it becomes a bad week. If it's already bad but finish it with bad landry and stinky dishes and endless internet matches the mood, huh?

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