Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The art of distraction

Cola is in this very stressful phase. She's biting, hates wearing a diaper and a few days ago (if you can believe it or not) I found her two shelves high on our built in bookshelves on the wall. She is beginning to very loudly and boldly express frustration without talking rather screaming, crying and more biting.

Dalen is in the fighting stage....still. Last week the nursery had a talk to me about Cola biting and this week I got the "your son thinks it's ok to hit other children" speech. How embarrassing.

These problems are not one time occurances they are phases that will last and last and then be over. Today was not the day for them to end so I thought we need a nice, fun distraction. I came across this bubble blower and it literally blows TONS of bubbles at once. We let it blow until it ran out. It was a nice distraction for a bit.
Somedays I think it's better to distract yourself when you don't know what to do. I can't make these unfortunate behaviors disappear but I feel as though somedays I allow my frustration entertain them. I have to get better at that.

During the bubble time there was no hitting or biting. A lot of laughter and fun swats at the bubbles whizzing by. If you don't have one I'd suggest one. They are lots of fun!

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