Saturday, May 7, 2011

One Year

Happy Mother's Day! As we celebrate Mother's Day in our home we are also celebrating the close of one year in Florida. As hard as it's been living in an apartment as a family of four, driving one car, having to always pay a babysitter and being so far from friends and family I do feel I can exhale and say we did it. I'm not sure what we've done or even done well but we are still here, making everything work.

I don't give myself enough credit and I am sure I am not alone in that confession. Looking back over the last year I think I may have had like two people tell me they are proud of us. I surely could have heard that more but I didn't. So to all of the mother's who sacrifice SO much everyday JUST holding down the house you are loved, appreciated and you are doing a great job! And for those mother's who hold down the house AND work you are stronger than me! Keep doing what you are doing, someday the reward will be great. At least that is what I tell myself.

Do you ever feel like, the older you get the less affirmed you are? Sometimes I feel like the older I have gotten the more affirmation I need. Just in case I am not alone in that confession either...God is proud of the work we do as mothers. If no one else tells you throughout the next year I'm proud to be a mother because I get to share the title with so many amazing women just like you. Together we can rear some amazing children, share great recipes and always give heads up on coupon savings!


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