Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Coward In Me....

I think I mentioned last weekend was awesome at our church. Partly because it was Easter and when you are celebrating a resurrected Christ it hold a very intense celebratory atmosphere and partly because of the production that was done and all of the souls that were moved towards Heaven because of it.

We were challenged to invite 5 people to one of the 4 services our church had scheduled. I had my 5 people which I thought were going to be a challenge for me and then I realized as a stay at home mom I encounter more people than the average working person does because I am out and about.

We had super cool invite cards (which my husband designed, I had to throw that in :)) and one particular day we set out to do our inviting. I became really insecure once I realized 3 out of the 5 people we were inviting weren't connections I had made but connections my three year old had made. He meets people everywhere we go and invites them to our church and sometimes to our house (hence the reason I will NOT teach him our address). I really felt like such a coward.

My three year old, who is just learning the REAL facts of the Crucifixion story was doing more of the connecting with possible lost souls than I had been. In fact, before I could say anything to two of the people he had handed them the cards and invited them. Wow, my son, a three year old, missionary to the mall. Seriously, who was I kidding!? I am a youth pastor's wife, called to ministry myself and I was a little hesitant about inviting 5 people to service.

I really had to talk to God about that. Of course God wants all of us to do witnessing, we are ALL called share the good news, that's the GREAT commission. But I really saw for once in my life that my son knew what to say and how to invite and what details to give because I had once gave them to him. I really felt encouraged when I went back a few months ago in my mind to the Sunday where I bent down to ask Dalen if he wanted to ask Jesus in his heart and he said, "Mom he already lives there." I'm not sure who walked him through that prayer and who beat me to leading him in it but chances are it was someone in our church and he wouldn't have been there if it weren't for me!

Ministry has to take place in our home first! And now, because three out of the four of us are saved God has really shown me that we are a team effort. Dalen may do the talking, but I am going to do the interceding while he does it and I am also going to do the driving to the person he talks to. Of course, this doesn't let me off the hook! I know there will be times I need to do the sharing and Ican say I am ready and more motivated because if my three year old can do it, so can I!

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