Thursday, June 5, 2008

My Poor Baby!

Ok, so I know I am a new mom but what happened a few days ago was absolutely heartbreaking. I had seen 2 wasps flying in me and mario's room one night. We realized it was because we had forgotten to close an open window. Mario searched for them everywhere while me and Dalen safely hid out in the bathroom. He never found them.

The next morning my wonderful husband is up with Dalen about 6 a.m. as he gradually begins to be ready for work at 8 a.m. while sleepy mama snores away. I was fully awake about 7:30 a.m. because of a knocking noise. It was Dalen playing with Mario's pantsleg hanging off the footboard of our bed. The belt kept knocking the wood over and over. Mario was watching Dalen from our closet as Dalen pulled Mario's pants over. He loves things over his face but this time he let out a ear peircing cry. We knew something was wrong. When Mario pulled the pants off his head he was laying on his stomach crying and out flew one of the wasps. Dalen had been stung on his left wrist. After screaming his head off for a few minutes he was fine. Mario killed the wasp...YAY! On the way out to work Pop bandaged Dalen's wrist with a band aid and put some ointment on it. Luckily he didn't have an allergic reaction.

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