Sunday, June 22, 2008


Me and Dalen on June 21st.

Galations 5:22-23

This passage of scripture defines how we should live. When we see God face to face in Heaven we will see one who possesses all qualities in one being. This passage talks about the fruits of the spirit. You can say I am being super spiritual when reading this but I could care less...this is a testimony and it is dealing with a spiritual nature of struggles in my life.

A few blogs ago I shared about my recent weight gain. It didn't happen until after I had Dalen. I have always struggled with my weight. Looking back at pictures of myself several years ago I shouldn't have been concerned with my weight but there was reason to be concerned with it the last few months. I tried a few diets here and there. I tried watching this and that but none of it worked. The reason I always fail at diets or trying to have a healthy lifestyle is because I have always lacked self-control.

Weighing in at nearly 40 lbs. overweight I got some advice from a doctor and a serious dose of help in the area of self-control. Once I saw this as a spiritual issue and not just a physical issue I began to realize my victory had been established in Heaven long ago. June 19, 2006 marked on month since trying to lose weight. I am slowly but surely becoming victorious in this area. I still have a lot more to lose but it feels so good to say no to certain foods, choosing not to eat after a certain time, or just pushing the plate back when I start to feel full. Those of you skinny minnies that have never had to deal with this be glad! For those of you who can share in this struggle you know it is NOT easy. Please continue to pray for me as I gain a supernatural control over the temptations I battle daily.

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