Saturday, April 23, 2011

Oh the things you learn in the bunny line....

Why in the world did I wait until the Friday before Easter to get my kids' pictures with the Easter bunny made? The line was forever long (Actually it could have been longer but long is long) and what kid wants to be dressed up for a picture on a Friday?
This is Cola's hair picked out. Hopefully it won't be the only laugh you get from this post. The woman two places in front of me in line had three kids. One was a newborn baby girl named, Pebble. She also had two sons who were completely out of control. Seriously, they were so out of hand she had to leave. Their names were River and Leaf. I know, my daughter's name is Cola and I can't talk about strange names but I surely wanted to pry and ask what inspired their names. But I didn't because I know how annoying it is. And no, she wasn't a hippie or at least didn't look like it.

The lady directly in front of me had a newborn baby girl, Elin. This is awful and I should have made eye contact with her but I didn't dare. I left with her entire life story and she never even spoke a word directly to me. She tried for 15 years to get pregnant and finally did. My heart was happy for her, I promise, I just never care to hear about a stranger's contraceptive use and ovulation schedule, so therefore I didn't make eye contact. Horrible I know. I guess because she waited so long for a child she wanted the PERFECT posed picture. I promise I am not being sarcastic but I was totally patient. For a moment I understood wanting perfection after waiting so long for a baby but I did want to jump in and let her know her newborn didn't have neck muscles strong enough to hold her head completely straight and no your silly faces weren't going to make her smile because her vision isn't that sharp yet and she was standing 30 feet away. But we finally made it to the front of the line.

Dalen sat for a while as the lady looked at each individual pose 30 times a peice lol.

This is him in G. His inner model always comes out.

They gave away a mask with a purchase.

And here is our lovely, perfect, beautiful Bunny pic! lol, I really do love it. It so expresses Cola's personality. She hates new people, different things and will always let you know just how much.

I'm not that mom that is going to waste my time or anyone else's making my child smile when they clearly aren't going to. So She snapped twice and I snagged Cola and we were on our way.

What old pictures do you enjoy the most of yourself now? The horrible ones! So I know this pic will be a great laugh someday and it will SO go in her wedding slideshow lol. It's so the truth! We want amazing pics of our kids and I promise they won't get two glances when they are older they want to see the horrible outfits and relive the painful moments so they can realize how much they have grown.

I also have to share my heart about making your kids sit on the Easter Bunny's lap. These are my thoughts, if you don't like them no one forced you to read them...

Your child is NOT going to be traumatized for life for actually facing a fear. I promise....they probably won't even remember the experience. Our job as parents is not to make our children comfortable all the time, our greatest discomforts lead to our greatest victories. If your child is never shown they can they will always believe they can't. No you shouldn't force your child to do EVERYTHING, there is a time and a place but what harm is done to a child who is made to sit on a furry bunny's lap for 1 minute? They will scream and cry but if you are reading this chances are you have left your child to scream and cry in their crib more than once so that they learn to sleep alone. You probably don't have a problem doing that b-c it is more comfortable for you in the end. So for you who oppose the easter bunny is it because your child is uncomfortable or YOU are uncomfortable? Just some thoughts.....

This was taken on the way to the car.....see no harm done!

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