Saturday, September 3, 2011

Wonderfully Awkward

Tonight we went to a surprise birthday party for another youth pastor in town Mario met when we first moved here. He and his wife have become friends of ours and the kids had a great time teaming up with their 3 kids and playing and eating like crazy!

But of course being at a party brings all different people who are not connected but come together for one person or celebratory event. You get people from all walks of life, singles, parents, newlyweds,'s a melting pot for sure. I'm getting better at these scenes since I have been thrust into many this last year but it still doesn't take away those awkwardly moments that can't be avoided.

Like that awkward moment where a young woman, holding her oh-so-tiny newborn in a sling, tells you how well nursing is going and then you see her pile her plate high with pepper jack cheese and hot wings and think yeah that "well" is about to turn to HORRID! And you have that awkward moment do I inform her that's really going to upset her baby's tummy or do I just let it go in fear of a post pregnancy hormonal outburst that she indeed knows what she is doing??

Or what about that awkward moment where you are in a circle with three or four moms who begin telling their kids names who just happen to all be Biblical names and they start talking about how they prayed about the names they chose and then there is that awkward moment of silence and all heads turn to me for me, the pastor's wife, to confess my daughter's name is Cola and I picked it b-c I liked it, HA! You know when you watch movies and you hear the crickets in a very strange moment?? That really happens!

And of course where could we go with Dalen in tow where he doesn't punch, kick, or hold another kid hostage or break something?? Then there is always that awkward moment of offering to pay for the item praying you won't have to take out a loan to afford to replace it! I have to confess sometimes you just want to tell the other parent the endless whining of your child and never ending pestering deserved that punch right in the gut but of course I refrain and make my son "do the right thing" and apologize. KIDDING! (kind of)

I'm just being honest, I have a lot of under the breath moments where I mumble my thoughts under my breath to my husband and he gets totally annoyed and occasionally mortified that yes, he married the woman who is totally brave enough to walk off from someone who is nosey enough to ask how much we make. My favorite is when people we meet offer to babysit our kids or take our kids somewhere in the first five minutes of conversation I LOVE taking that small sip of water and holding the bottle JUST long enough in front of my mouth to shield a quiet "in your dreams".

Oh, the places we go and people we meet.


Michele C. Rodriguez said...

I love it!!!! SO honest which is refreshing! Can't believe someone would have the audacity to ask what you make?? WOW. Anyway, love your transparency. xo :)

Abigail said...

And those are the moments I wish I could still see!!! I know your whole body language when you get annoyed! You get super straight posture, and you run your hands through your hair, and you start batting your eyes!! ha!!! My most favorite Megan moments. =)