Because I have spent so time examining myself in the area of complaining, I have actually come to a lot of conclusions concerning the issue. I tried a complaining cleanse and it was very unsuccessful. Not unsuccessful in the sense that I couldn't stop verbally complaining but unsuccessful in the sense that at the root of every complaint I have realized there is a stinging from the pain of disappointment.
Disappointment is an unfulfilled expectation, the failure of hope, the sting of an undesirable circumstance so great that it's almost as though hope and faith collide and without any say so disappointment is birthed and when left unattended one disappointment leads to another and they breed, birthing despair. Now that I know this, I know that complaining isn't the root issue, disappointment is. I have spent some time especially since last night (when all of this hit me) re-evaluating my expectations because if I complain a lot I must be disappointed alot?? I'm still piecing a lot of this together.
One thing I do KNOW is that when we are complaining we should immediately question, "What am I disappointed about?" or "What expectations were unfulfilled?" and then decipher "Were my expectations set too high?" or "What can I do differently next time so that my let down will be more manageable?" I also know that we have two choices to make when dealing with disappointment. We can talk about it or pray about it. Sometimes talking helps- A LOT! Sometimes and a lot of the time it makes things worse. If you are going to talk about it make sure you are talking to someone who is wise and sensitive and open to hearing not just listening. I would suggest a mentor or someone who has no biased opinions or nothing to gain or lose by being honest. It's important that if we do decide to speak with someone about our trouble hearts we still ALWAYS choose to pray. We should take our burdens to the Lord and leave them there, at the foot of the old splintery cross where healing was made possible.
I am learning the power of asking the RIGHT questions at the RIGHT time. We should always be asking questions that will advance us towards wholeness and wellness in Christ. The infamous question of why hardly promotes either. Have you ever answered your toddler when they ask why? You will find yourself an hour later still answering a vicious circle of why based questions.
I have learned rather quickly that our hearts should always be guarded. A guarded heart doesn't mean that you don't trust it means you have made a Biblical principle, top priority. Proverbs 4:23 says ABOVE ALL ELSE, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life. Yes, I would assume that guarding our hearts is a matter of life and death. I have certainly experienced this in my life. When our hearts aren't guarded disappointments allow the organ of life to begin producing deadly emotions such as despair, distrust, pain, depression, bitterness, resentment and so on.
Here's to guarding your wellspring...
Mario Bros Birthday Party
2 days ago
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