Saturday, October 1, 2011


We woke up today with a perfectly sunny sky, slight breeze and cool temp. I was actually really surprised at how cold it was this morning. I think it was warning that even way down here in Orlando we may have another cold winter...I'm praying not! Anyways it was a perfect day for some outside play.

We took the kids out on their bikes and can I just say Dalen can FLY on his little tricycle! Cola, struggled peddling on hers and ended up in her stroller while Dalen finished out his ride. He loves going down the little ramp sidewalks at our apartment complex and turning down side streets and making it over those mountianous speed bumps. He is quite the rider!

We managed to spend an entire hour outside with Dalen just riding his bike and none of us broke a sweat (except for him). That's a miracle!

Cola has been potty training all week and has only had two accidents! I am soooo proud of her! She finally went #2 in the toilet which she was quite fearful to do. I must express how cute her little tush is in her Dora undies.

Dalen coaches her through going just like us. He has been reminded all over again that "she never growed a penis, yet" and I'm still trying to explain she never will and that's part of being a girl. Hasn't quite sunk in, but I guess it's just a matter of time.

I'm excited about this coming week-quick trip to Ft. Myers, new series in youth and I get to volunteer at Dalen's school for their "Apple Orchard" week. Busy but fun week!

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