Thursday, July 31, 2008
Your Best
Effort is the measurement of your devotion to a certain task or individual. I have never met someone who desired an employee, spouse or friend who never gave effort at work, intimacy or relational fundamentals. I am writing this because I often see people comparing themselves to others.
God has given each of us certain gifts and talents. Some may be compelled in music, while others with athletics. When you compare yourself with others it's like measuring your greatness without a measuring cup. The measurement will always be inaccurate. There are not two individuals completely alike and instead of comparing qualities or talents with another person you should evaluate your own. The only thing your gifts, talents and efforts should measure up to is your potential.
When you compare your efforts with your potential you immediately become aware of the amount of effort you have offered. If you are measuring up short that's ok because all you have to do is apply yourself more by offering more effort. When you apply yourself more you will succeed in giving your best. Don't allow yourself to compare yourself to others, you weren't meant to measure up to their potential.
When you compare your abilities with another person's and see yourself "better or more talented" you are risking pride taking over in your mind. When you compare and see yourself measuring a little short you are inviting feelings or inferiority to overrule your self-esteem. Comparing is a dangerous game.
My Cup Runneth Over


Monday, July 28, 2008
Chicks Dig Me

Dalen went swimming Sunday afternoon, before church. He was straight up chillin in his float. I felt it tip a few times and he was nodding off asleep. He is too much!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Point Please!?
Downy Baby

I'd like a side of toes please...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Creative Outlets
I think God has given me so many desires and thoughts concerning His people and kingdom however, I feel I am lacking an outlet for these things. I LOVE to write. I mean absolutely love it! In my drawers at home you can find candy wrappers and napkins with my thoughts that I jot down for future opportunities for a book or Sunday School lesson. I just feel jittery all of the time. I literally feel like I have so much creativity and gifts to pour out but they are pent up inside of me due to a lack of outlets.
I don't say creativity to toot my own horn, but rather as an expression of praise that God has crafted me as an individual that is so relatable to so many different people. I can relate to young mothers, college students, single people (I was there not too long ago), married couples and so many more. I just wonder how I can relate when there doesn't seem to be an outlet connecting us physically. I know my heart is connected to other people's heart but how can your reach those that aren't physicallt there?
So today, I am praying for a creative outlet. It sounds so complicated but it's really a simple prayer. Lord, just open a door for me to be able to connect to someone that could benefit from the gifts you have instilled inside of me. Help me to be careful that your name is honored in doing so. Amen.
The Evil One
I got your toes!
Sock thief!
Climbing in the kitchen chairs. Please notice at the end of the video he lays his head down on the floor he is so tired of hanging upside down. I REFUSED to help him this time.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Mother of 2

diaper stacker

Please notice how much energy Dalen has 24-7. I am not exaggerating he NEVER stops.
Summer Saturday
Here is Dalen at about 8:30 a.m. He loves climbing through our kitchen chairs. Why? Don't ask me!! He pulls them on top of himself and cries like he has just been struck by lightening and the minute you turn your head he is back pulling them over again. That mountain in the background is our heaping pile of dirty laundry that we never finished.

At 5:00 we went to my paren's house. My dad grilled out and it was Meredith's first leave from her house. it was a fun time with family. Regretfully, I don't have pics from that event. Olivia was dressed in pink from head to toe and she looked so adorable. Meredith looks awesome! She is 40 lbs. lighter than what she was when she first got pregnant. She started physical therapy today and lasted 3 minutes on her ams and legs workout which is what they set her goal at. She is doing amazing.
BIG Boy Seat

Thursday, July 17, 2008
My Tree Hugging, Baboon Butt Baby

Today I am so thankful for Dalen taking an hour nap! I got to take a bath while reading on in The Shack. After realizing my water was getting slightly chilly I realized how long Dalen had been sleeping and how far I had gotten in the book. I have an AWFUL habit of quitting books if they are as good as I want them to be, as fast as I want them to be. I felt that after reading several chapters this book has taken me absolutely nowhere. After pages and pages of describing a weather storm I just want to shake the author and say I GET THE POINT! IT'S COLD AND ICY! GET ON WITH IT!!! But ladies and gents, I will perservere through this slow going story! I will update you with what I think after a few more chapters! It better be worth peaceful moments don't come often.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
The Shack
Monday, July 14, 2008
I'm Going Bananas!

Beautiful Lengths

August marks the 5 year anniversary of my mom being cancer free. I have donated hair to Locks of Love twice. This time I decided to give my hair to Beautiful Lengths, sponsored by Pantene Pro-V. I've been waiting a long time to get my hair done around this time just to kinda symbolize my greatfulness for my mom's life. I will mail my hair in to them in August. The hair is used for people with health related issues needing wigs. Some of which have cancer. I have light, fulfilled and great.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Did you hear Meredith is mooooving home?


Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Waiting Room

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Bridal Show
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
He's got the whole world in his hands
I occaisonly venture off to my Dad's office to a little work for him here and there. Today was one of those days. Of course, my little tagalong was right with me. My Dad was on an eternal phone call (everything seems eternal when a 9 month old is in the mix) and I introduced Dalen to some countries on the globe in the office. He took a liking to it pretty quick...enjoy.