Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Waiting Room

The last week of my life has been spent waiting: waiting for visiting hours, a good report, a friend to call, or for my sister to wake up. Details of this traumatic experience in my family are irrelevant at this time. I will leave those for my sister to tell during times of testimony. Besides, it seems people can't seem to tell the truth without exaggerating a little and then all of the sudden you have some big long tale that holds little to no truth at all. Well, one thing's for sure...I know why a waiting room is called a waiting room...for those of you who are asking why...because all you do is WAIT! It's a very awful, testing place to be. My sister is alive! She is walking, talking, writing and fed Olivia a bottle last night! All of these things are what the doctors said she wouldn't do.
Meredith seeing Olivia for the first time after a week.
My family WAITING! You would think they would at least paint the walls some interesting color!
Mel holding Olivia while Meredith was still unresponsive.
The day after Meredith came to. She looks better than me!!!!
A picture text from Dalen.
Dalen visiting Olivia.

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