Thursday, September 18, 2008

Worth A Tombstone

Worth A Tombstone
There is something looming over me in my thoughts and I figure that's what blogs are for, right? The topic of life and death is indoubtebly a sensitive one. Especially, when you are referring to the death of a child. Though the topic is sensitive, after much contemplation I would like to share my passionate thoughts about babies who never made it past the womb.
Not long ago I requested prayer for my cousin who was expecting. The baby's heart wasn't beating enough causing a decrease in circulation, resulting in no development in the last few weeks. The doctor gave the baby no hope and suggested to proceed with a D & C. My cousin chose not to do this because the heart was still beating. I am SO proud of that decision. She refused a D & C in faith that God would perform a miracle in the body of her baby. Today after being told there was no heartbeat, she received this news knowing that this baby's life ended on its own not at the mercy of a doctor's equipment or a choice she made.
Living in a small town where whispers of a possible abortion clinic may be in the making, causes peope to protest and become outraged I see people realizing the value of human life. Hearing of people voting for one canidate over another because of their prolife beliefs lets me know that people want to protect the innocent and a baby's life is valuable! But these same people that stand up for human life are the same ones I see overlooking these greiving parents who have miscarried. We must not forget the grief they feel and the wonderment they struggle with. We must remember that just because miscarrying is "common", it doesn't minimize the loss. Moms and Dads who have lost small lives with great impact, must be comforted and consoled and we must focused this comfort and consolation on the life that was lost. I say that because I often hear people tell moms who have experienced this oh don't worry you will get pregnant again or you are just lucky you have other kids! I mean seriously, how distorted is that view of death!? It's not about a pregnancy in the future or even the possibility at the time it's about the loss. Of course, you do grief in hopes that one day God can bless that person again but we should not minimize the grief of the present hoping to supress these emotions. Mourning is a natural thing.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing in this world like the bond you share with a baby in your womb. Think about it. That's the closest you will ever be to that baby. They go everywhere with you. You feel every move they make. They cause you the most pain ever imaginable but its the most forgiveable pain because of the joy they bring. You grow as they grow and eventually your bodies are molded together. You dream big for that baby and reconstruct a future to accommodate that baby. When you think of it for what it is you have to realize that losing a baby before you birthed it is the same. Their life is just as valuable as ours.
If you protest abortion I asume you believe in the value of these lives. The next time you hear of a loss due to a miscarriage remember that value. Comfort families the way you would anyone else. I often hear people speak of babies in such a way that makes them above every other creature yet when their souls become cradled in glory because of a miscarriage there is no funeral, obituary, tombstone and families aren't blessed with cooked meals during this time of loss. My question is still remaining. Why?

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