Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I am loving my new camera! Can you tell yet? I have literally been blinding the kids with its flash but they will forgive me when they put together their wedding slideshow and have PLENTY of options. ;)

Today I went to see two friends at the local hospital who had given birth to their baby boy last night. I didn't ask permission to post pics of him on my blog so I don't have any to show but let me just say-he is tiny, cute, snuggly and just so tempting...do you know where I am going with this??

No, I am not pregnant and to be honest Mario and I have both done a lot of talking about possibly being done. We have our girl, we have our boy-perfect stopping point? It's just really hard to think we could ever permanently close that possibility to our lives. I really don't know if we should close that chapter for many reasons; we're young, God may introduce us to a orphan in need of a family and provide the resources to adopt, and because sometimes things just happen. I guess this is where God and faith and free will kid of crash and explode in thin air for me.

How respectable it is to see a couple who trusts God SO much they allow him to entrust them with babies in his timing-not theirs? For the first 5 years of marriage this is how Mario and I have done things. I almost feel like to say we are done is limiting his plan or what could be or does he desire for us to choose or do we have our own personal convictions which in many cases can differ from one another. Ugh, my brain is aching! HA!

Well, speaking of God...I began reading the New Testament in 30 days yesterday. WOW! At first I was kind of speed reading my portion for the day just kind of get that liberating accomlished feel (read previous post) and then conviction stop me mid sentence and challenged me to do this for revelation, not accomplishment (or say so). So last night I stayed up until after midnight (WAAAAY passed this woman's bedtime) and read for God to reveal himself to me and he did. What a great God we serve.

Enjoy the pics up top. Sorry for the grumpy pic of Dalen but he just isn't much into picture taking these days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think after you have 2 children you are at a tough spot. Kyle and I are here as well. Although our boys are amazing and we can see ourselves being done, we would also love a big family. We are both just praying, praying, praying right now and I know in His timing, God will speak to us. And as always, adorable children you have!