Wednesday, February 4, 2009

5 Super Silent Cheers 4 The Superbowl

This post is one you will just have to keep in mind for next year. Of course Mario and I watched the superbowl. Can I just say that no one every in the history of time had sang the National Anthem better than Jennifer Hudson! AMAZING! I think the commercials were disappointing..they are usually so much better.

Dalen was asleep by the time we made it home to catch the bit of the game. WHAT A GAME! Well a few outburts from Mario and that's all it took to establish some cosequences. I told him if he woke Dalen from his cheering he would be missing the rest of the game due to having to rock him back to sleep. Needless to say this led to some very creative, embarrassing and silent cheers for the rest of the game.

Here aer 5 Super Silent Cheers 4 the Superbowl (side note: I got all of these from watching my husband. He was completely out of control)

5. Raise your hands in tha air! Raise both hands in the air, fists bawled. Bring right fist to shoulder and back up in air. Repeat this step with your left arm. Keep alternating these steps between arms.

4. Stop, drop and roll. After an amazing play stop in amazement, drop to the ground and roll around on the floor.

3. Freedom! Jump out of your seat. Throw your arms in the air. Jog in place with your arms waving from side to side. (This one looked quite liberating)

2. The paddle boat. Move to the edge of your seat. Drop your jaw. Widen your eyes. Throw yours back to the back of your chair. Bring your legs up (like you are doing 6 inches) and kick them as hard and fast as you can while laughing hysterically and of course silently. You will kind of look like you are riding in a paddle boat.

1. East Side, West Side Riverdance. Stand up on your tippy toes. jog in place while moving to the east and then back to the west. Repeat this movement over and over.

Enjoy my husband humiliating himself on video. ha, ha


Katie said...

So usually I only like the videos of Dalen, but I gotta say... this one was preeeeetty funny! :)

Rachel said...

From one football wife to another this post made me laugh. I have threatened those very things. Your descriptions were great.