Thursday, February 26, 2009


I have 5 simple thoughts concerning the choices of this mother.

1. You can be mentally stable and make very poor & irresponsible decisions. I am not saying she is or isn't mentally stable I am just saying those who are and aren't stable make bad choices.

2. We all have voids and fill them differently. Oprah has to be one of the most annoying and smart elic people I've ever seen on TV. She acted like it was obserd to hear someone say she had a void in her life and was filling it with having babies. Well Oprah, I think its obserd you used to eat 3 big macs to fill voids in your life but its the same difference. You both had a void and you both filled them or tried to with something that wasn't very healthy.

3. I find it strange, really strange that people are grumbling about having to help this family with taxpayer's money. Ok I hate to break it to you, but if you want to be mad at someone be mad at the person majority of voters paid for....he's the one that is so gung ho on free healthcare and so on. So be careful who you vote for!

4. The children of this woman are TOTALLY INNOCENT in the matter. Don't you think their life is going to be hard enough as it is without idiots making death threats to their mom and refusing to donate diapers because of HER poor decision making? These kids need help. I am not saying to throw money at the feet of the mother but you can give things like formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, clothes...Isn't that we as Christians are supposed to the least of these? You know I never see Christ in scripture evaluate people's cirsumstances and THEN help them. He helps all of us IN SPITE OF our ignorance, selfishness, irresponsibilty. I think we should do the same.

5. Do you know how moms are out there with tons of kids living off the government? They never lift a finger expect to get their welfare checks out of the mailbox. Yet, this family can't even make it to the bus stop without being photographed and scrutinized. The media needs to back off. This ONE story goes to show just how influential the media is.

Oh, and the doctor who performed IVF needs to be evaluated and punished. He is more responsible for this than Nadya...I think.

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