Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Two Brides

Because Dalen and I have been sick, I have been able to watch daytime television...a lot. 
Yesterday after waking from a nap on the couch, I immediately began squinting to see if the television was really displaying a wedding with two brides.  After refocusing my eyes with my glasses I realized yes, this was the case.  
"What are we watching, Mario?"
"I don't know I've on my computer."
"I think they are showing a wedding with two brides."
"Yep, it looks that way."

We changed the channel and little did we know all across America people began doing the same thing.  Not that I endorse or believe homosexual relations are ok (because I surely do not) but I must say I am extremely bothered by the uproar.  I am so sick of believers and non-believers alike allowing heterosexual garbage leaking into their homes all the time but the minute a homosexual couple comes on the screen we all have a "problem".

Did you know having an affair is a sin?  Did you know having sex before marriage is a sin?  Did you know homosexuality is a sin?  You probably did.  If you did, I must ask you a question?  Do you rank sin?  We all know that the wages of sin is death so why do we tolerate some and not others.

I am so frustrated with my Christian girlfriends who literally become excited over Grey's Anatomy.  They watch this trashy, immoral, and sinful natured show weekly.  Yet, they are all in a dither because now there is some mention of a lesbian couple.  You know what, quit being a hypocrite.  Adultery and premarital sex are just as wrong and if you don't get the same discomfort watching same sex couples kiss that you get when you see an unmarried heterosexual couple grind half naked you need to check yourself.  

Let's leave, sin as sin and leave it OUT of our homes....altogether.

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