Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Birthday Remix

Well guys and gals, I am officially in my mid-20s! YIKES! I am like 5 years away from 30! My, my how time flies. I quietly snuck out of the house on my birthday as Dalen and Mario snoozed on and made it to work on time. I wore a great hand-me-down dress I just got from my friend Ann with a trendy necklace that was also hand-me-down! WAHOO, for new stuff without spending a dime! I spent the day cooped up in my office being trained on our client database. NO FUN! The I had to work until about 7 because it was our first board meeting since I was hired on. I made it home at about 7:03, ate Cracker Barrel take out, rocked baby Dalen to sleep, as I slowly drifted asleep as well!

The next morning came 4:45 a.m. to be exact (this morning)! Dalen had to have tubes put in his ears and his adenoids removed. Only because his doctor is so stinkin' cute and can't be shy of 80 (no, I am NOT exaggerating) I was patient as we waited for over 5 hours to be released for a 20 minute procedure! YIKES! Dalen is having a hard time with the meds he has been on. They have made him VERY whiney and tired. Not to mention the poor guys is probably experiencing some pain. Another event and let's not forget baby #2 is along for the ride.

I know I promised I would post my hormonal breakdowns....BUT I haven't had any! This baby is so quiet, still and sometimes I must admit it's easy to forget the baby is there at times! I have had one ultrasound and the baby is already active, healthy and from the sizes in the 98% of growth! YIKES!

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