Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thunderstorms With A Little One

One disadvantage of thunderstorms in an older house is everything feels as though it is going to collapse under the pressure of the deafening sound of thunder. The window panes rattle, the wood floors vibrate and the roof catches every raindrop which sounds like a thunderous applause. At the first sounds of the pitter patter of rain and the roar of thunder my mind became jubilant as I began to mentally check off everything we needed for a power outage! YES! This was the first time in our marriage we were prepared for a power outage. Working flashlight-CHECK! New batteries-CHECK! Candles for back-up-CHECK! A sudden clap of thunder sent our lights out, powered our TV down and the Hoods were....READY (or so we thought!)
Earlier in the week Mario had checked my throat with the flashlight to see if there was swelling. Dalen had then decided to play with the flashlight here and there throughout the week. BIG MISTAKE! The flashlight wouldn't light up and then Mario discovered the batteries were no where to be found. After flipping our couch over he found the batteries! YAY! Prepared at last! NOT!!! He placed each battery in, only to find the flashlight didn't work. Must have been one of the rough handlings from Dalen that broke it!
Oh well, we tried. The more storms we experience the more I realize Dalen doesn't like them and the anxiousness in him causes me not to care much for them either.

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