Friday, July 10, 2009

Free Hugs

Since I am now a casemanager for HIV/AIDS positive individuals I thought it would be neat to share what I am learning about this aggressive disease. I have honestly felt pretty ignorant at the end of most days because I believed so many myths out there about his disease.

1. HIV/AIDS is only spread bodily fluids suchs as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, and breast milk. YES! That's it. You can not get this disease from someone's urine, feces or saliva. *Research has documented only a few times that HIV has been detected in saliva. But it is important to know just because the virus is detected doesn't mean it can be transmitted when levels are very low.

2. The way you contract the virus through these fluids is from sexual intercourse, needle sharing or from breastfeeding (VERY rare).

3. Gay men AND heterosexual men can both contract this disease.

4. It is now suggested if you participate in high risk behaviors such as; sharing needles, if you are a male who has sex with other males, a heterosexual who doesn't use condoms and/or who has sex with strangers, you should be tested for HIV/AIDS every 6 months. Because medicine is so advanced if you detect this disease early on you can still live a full and fairly normal life. Many of my clients have an undetectable HIV count (which means the virus is detected but because of the meds they have no other symptoms).

You would be amazed to know that most HIV/AIDS sufferers who are recieving proper care and maintain a healthy lifestyle can look just like you and me, work in the same place we would work, achieve education, come from great families and even sit on the same pew in church. These people are worthy of love, care and Salvation just like the rest of us. God is expanding my heart to make room for these people and as my heart expands, His arms extend offering grace, mercy and most of all restoration.

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