Saturday, November 29, 2008


Well if you keep up with my blog, you probably read I chose to get a job this holiday season.  We spent Thanksgiving with my grandmother and a few other family members.  It was a really nice and quiet Thanksgiving.  On Wednesday, I called to see when I would be on the schedule at Belk.  The human resource manager replied how about 4:30 in the morning?  I was completely floored.  I'm on the other end thinking 4:30 in the morning?  You mean 4:30 the middle of the night?  But I said yes so that I could be off by 12:30 and spend the rest of the day with Mario and Dalen because Mario was off.  
I get up at 3:15 in the middle of the night and when I pull up to Belk I see lines of people at our 3 entrances waiting in the freezing cold to be one of the 1st 250 customers to get a lousy $5 gift card.  There were moms with their little babies bundled up in the freezing cold.  I am sorry if you were one of those moms but you are totally stupid if you were.  You are getting you kids out in the middle of the night for $5 off a purchase.  Come on now and pray for a little common sense.  
Anyway, I love it when its busy because time just flies by but here are a few scenarios of the day.

1.  Customer: Does this coupon work on this, this, this, or that?
My Mind:  Can you read?  What does the coupon say?
My Audible Voice:  Are your purchases early bird specials, red dots or final clearance items?
Customer:  Oh well I don't know.
My Mind:  You must really can't read! If you really cared about the discount you would read the sign.
My Audible Voice: Well lets just get you rung up and see.  (I ring their items in and OF COURSE they don't trust that the register is right.)
Customer:  Oh well that was supposed to be 50% off and that sounds really high and then I get an extra 15% percent off with my coupon.
My Mind:  WOW!  You can read!  But isn't it funny how you can read something is 50% off BUT you totally miss the MASSIVE sign above the discount that says EARLY BIRD SPECIAL (which excludes an extra 15% off).
My Audible Voice:  Oh I'm sorry you didn't read the fine print on the coupon I can just void the sale for you.
Customer:  OH NO!  I still want the items!  
My Mind:  You conniving person!  Trying to see if I would mark your items down even more....AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!

*Tip:  Read the coupon.....the WHOLE thing. Fine print included!  Then when you see a discount sign read the WHOLE thing.

Scenario #2
I must add this happened at the time when the line was the longest and customer was the loudest.

Customer:  Well they surely made a mistake by putting you in the children's department.
My Mind:  Yea it surely was b-c I am about to knock your kids upside the head if they don't calm down and quit knocking stuff off of the racks that I have to go pick up!!  GRRR!!!!
My Audible Voice:  Why do you say that
Customer:  Well you're expecting!  Expectant mothers shouldn't be put in the children's because I am sure you just blow your check on baby stuff!
My Audible Voice:  Oh well, if I were expecting that MIGHT HAVE been a problem but I NOT!
My Mind:  Don't punch her, don't punch her!!!  
Customer:  Oh you aren't!!??  Well, I thought you were.
My Audible Voice:  Nope, Just fat.  
*An eerie silence breaks out all over the line and all eyes are on.....ME!  Great.  What a GREAT day. Why couldn't they look at the idiot who said something you NEVER say to a woman?
TIP:  NEVER, NEVER say a woman is expecting to her face.  No matter how sure you just never know.

Scenario #3

*I was working with a lady who looks no  younger than 79.  Her name is Nancy and I hear she isn't a morning person.  I'll let you decide from the next scenario.

Customer:Why did the store hand out a coupon that excludes so many items?
Nancy:  says nothing and her blood is boiling I can tell
Customer:  I didn't know it excluded so many things.
Nancy:  Well, its not my fault that you can't read the fine print.
My mind:  TELL 'EM NANCY!!!  WAHOO!!!
My face:  I look at Nancy like you are gonna pay for that one
Nancy:  (Look at the 2 lines of about 12 people she says out loud....Any1 stupid enough to be out shopping this early doesn't deserve customer service or common courtesy.
My Mind:  HOLLA!!!  LOL!

All in all it was a good day- besides feeling big as a cow, being exhausted and working with a temperamental senior citizen...I'd say it was great.


Abigail said...

Unbelievable.... really unbelievable....

Jules said...

Ha Ha!! You're so funny. Braver than me for working black Friday! Props!