Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Well folks, I'm not sure what to think of today...yet.  I have been planning a trip to Florida for over a month now.  My flight was scheduled for departure at 3:55  p.m. tomorrow.  I was going to be staying with my cousin who is just six months younger than me and has a new baby girl.  I was also going to be able to spend a lot of time with my other cousins and aunts and uncle.  I was super excited to be able to take Dalen to spend time with my grandparents.  
Well as my luck has it, I came down with a fever of 102 and chills last night.  This all occur ed during training for the seasonal job I got at Belk to be able to put a few gifts under the tree...or table (I doubt we will do a tree considering Dalen would just eat tinsel, break ornaments and pull the tree over on himself).  So get home only to find my throat nearly swollen shut...literally.  I know, I know you are all probably beginning to think I am an infamous hypochondriac due to all of my sick stories on here but please keep reading. 
I head to the doctor 1st thing this a.m. only to find out I have been catching everything under the sun because I have a lovely case of MONO. Oh great.  My heart sank.  Dramatic, I know but seriously I have been really excited about a chance to spend time with my family that I never get to see!  So my supermom instinct kicked in and said I can do this.  I can lug a one year around for 7 days by myself and get enough rest and go to bed on time and be rested to start my seasonal job the day after Thanksgiving.  And of course then my altar had an out of body experience, met me eye to eye, called me an idiot and convinced me to use wisdom.  So here I am.  Chillin in lovely, freezing cold Clevegas.  
So I am trying to think of a few positive things behind this and all I could think of was maybe I am one step closer to maturity.  I made a decision that wasn't based on my selfishness....for once.  I am beginning to think I may be cursed though.  JUST KIDDING!  Its just been a rough few months.  
So here are 84 things I am thankful for in spite of the crappy cards that were dealt my way, some of which are quite humorous.  You should do will allow you to reflect on so many things you have and also allow you to see how vain you are (if you are anything like me)

I am thankful...
1.  that my sister was raised from the dead
2.  that my God performs miracles.
3.  for Parent's Day Out...
4.  and that its cheap enough for us to afford.
5.  for a healthy, growing marriage.
6.  that Dalen is asleep right now.
7.  we live in a house.
8.  for our free washer and dryer that was left by the previous renters. (even though our house has an earthquake when the washer gets off level)
9.  my sisters live less than 5 minutes away.
10.  for picture texts.
11.  that I have a holiday job (even though holiday shoppers are the absolute rudest!)
12. for  free samples offered by shampoo companies
13.  for my girlfriends who know how to pray.
14.  for my job.
15.  that even though my husband and I have a king size bed we wake up very close to each other.
16.  2 cars that get us to point A and point B.
17.  that Dalen is a happy baby (most of the time)
18.  for my grey new balance that are 5 years old and still in style and in great shape.
19.  we can get free Internet from else's wireless connection.
20.  for our family photographer Daisy Moffatt who captured one of the last important occasions I had with my grandfather
21.  for the dumpster at the end of our driveway.
22.  that I now know the true meaning of Christmas.
23.  that we didn't have to buy diapers until Dalen turned 5 months old.
24.  that I don't believe in fairy tales
25.  my parent's raised me to work hard
26. for Florida
27.  a healthy baby
28.  a God who provides.
29.  gracious family and friends who love me "in spite of"
30.  free insurance
31.  that I had a childhood pet
32.  my grandparents lived in my neighborhood growing up.
33.  for my all girls bible study.
34.  for Rhonda Kinches and the truth she teaches
35.  that my hope is in glory.
36.  for my education (but not what it cost me :)
37.  for John Washington and the great friend he is to Dalen
38.  that I do not worry 
39. I live like 2 minutes from work and church (anything that saves us gas we should be thankful for)
40.  that I didn't lose ALL of our money in stock
41. for the sunday school lessons of Ted Gee (they made the Bible fun)
42.  the movie Annie
43.  for peace of mind
44.  for my friend Adrienne who leaves me feeling appreciated and encouraged
45.  Dalen doesn't bite a lot anymore (this is serious, it was becoming a pretty big problem)
46.  For spellcheck (I have misspelled about 10 things already)
47.  for Glenn Procopio because he showed me what being passionate is all about
48.  my immediate family knows God
49.  my sister has a good watch dog
50.  flats are in
51.  for Andrea who can relate to my life
52.  that I am spirit filled
53. I am ready to die at any moment
54. we do not have cable.
55.  that I still live in Cleveland (i NEVER, EVER thought I would EVER say that)
56.  that Dalen will grow up close to my parents
57.  that I hate drama
58.  I have a husband who isn't afraid of what others think of him
59.  I never got into the habit of letting Dalen sleep in our bed.
60.  that I am cautious to not be selfish.
61.  for my great friend Abby who knows how to be a consistent friend.
62. for my bright colored homemade blanket Julie WHeeler handmade me (we use it every day)
63.  my sister Mel used to beat me up because it made NOT a crybaby
64.  for all of my memories from my childhood
65.  I no longer hurt over losing a certain friend....
66. and that I don't blame myself for something I didn't do anymore
67.  that my husband is so creative
68.  I have more self-control than I have ever had in my life.
69.  for the NYC missions trip I went on.
70.  that my husband wants more kids
71.  that my niece and Dalen will grow up together
72.  my hair is short for a good cause
73.  I remember prayer requests
74.  for true love
75.  I don't sunburn
76.  for Paige's obnoxious laugh that leaves no doubt that she is happy
77.  for the Binions
78.  for my church
79.  for sunshine
80.  for the best gift I have even gotten-rechargeable batteries
81.  my tooth in need of root canal doesn't hurt every day
82.  for bluff view district
83.  i know that a true sacrifice should have nothing to do with me.
84.  that Dalen had a halloween costume

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