Friday, November 7, 2008

Silent No More

*Please know I feel I have a duty as a Christian to "Fear God and honor the king."  I am not a supporter of Obama, but I do feel as a Christian and  citizen of this country he deserves my respect.  The following is written as a personal disappointment with heartfelt questions and much thought.  I do not want this post read or dismissed as another ignorant and outlandish bash against our president elect.

Mario and I have been sitting in our living room for months keeping up with the election process.  Boy, has it been a long one!  Our nation has recently made history by electing America's first minority president.  Notice I did not say African-American.  I will not tip toe around the confession that I am so disappointed in reporters who refer to Obama as an African American or black man.  He is NOT black.  He is bi-racial.  It bothers me more that he has not corrected this.

I am by no means trying to bury the history we just made, I am only raising awareness that for some reason the nation is seeing Obama for something he isn't.  Because I am the mother of a bi-racial son, I know the importance of recognizing your roots...both sides of them.  Research shows children conceived in interracial relations typically only battle confusion about their race, when the parents pressure them to choose one race or the other.  Typically, when this happens the child and society correlate the individual with the race of more dominate color.  Seven percent of all marriages are interracial in America.  We are the fastest growing relationship in our country.  Before long, you are not going to be able to ignore this race.

I have been pretty ticked about Obama not correcting this. Today, however, that ticked turned to boiling mad.  Irate.  Infuriated.  Speechless.  As Obama, referred to himself as a mutt while comparing himself to a shelter dog referring to his bi-racial roots my husband and I sat totally silent in our family room staring aimlessly in each others face.  I am still wondering if that really happened.  

This ticks me off to no end because if I were to refer to him as a mutt I would become racist.  It makes me shutter to think the only time he has pretty much referred to his "white" roots was today during his puppy dog spill concerning his daughters.  and it was a negative referral.  To be completely honest this is NOT an Obama slam.  I would be disappointed in anyone who did this.   

Mario wrote a post about this matter a few days ago and you just wouldn't believe the remarks he received (publicly and privately)  I could go on but don't want to disrespect.  It obvious what my point is.

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