Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Hood Plague

Oh gosh, what to say?  The last week or so has been horrible.  I came down with what I thought what the flu on Saturday night but it turned into a monstrous stomach something or another (no I'm not pregnant, but if you want people to think you are just say you have the flu with stomach problems on top of it and it will SURE have people thinking you are grrr!)  Sunday was niece Olivia's dedication and I could barely stand through the prayer of blessing (the only day in my life I was wishing I wasn't Pentecostal....boy do we pray a loooong time).  Sunday night our plumbing screwed up and I could barely even stand up (no exaggeration).  We move out to my parents "for the night" and the plumber comes to our house 1st thing the next day.  We needed a new line b-c a trees roots grew through our old line....who knew this could happen??!!  We ended staying at my parents for 2 nights but thankfully they were out of town so they wouldn't get sick.  Mario stays home to help me with Dalen.  Wednesday Mario catches the monster and I am out of work for a whole week!  Mario was out for 4 days!  Who knows how we will be paying bills!?  Kidding, God always provides!  I have pics of the dedication and Halloween and Mario and Dalen cooking pancakes this morning (I wouldn't try this at home with a 1 year old) but I will post later.  I am still a PC gal and I have no clue how to upload pics on a Mac.  Mario had to do the last pic on my last post.  Thankfully, we are all feeling much, much better!!!

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