Thursday, November 20, 2008

What your priorities say about you

If you will join me on a little journey that will tell you much about yourself.  If you can think about your day today.  (not yesterday, not ten years ago, but think of ONLY today)  What did you do first?  Where did you spend your time?  Who did you call?  What did you say?
If you woke up just in time to get yourself ready, check your messages, start your car, and head off to your busy day at work chances are your priorities are you, yourself, and YOU. But what does this say to your husband/wife, kids or friends.  If you are like most working America you probably come home and check messages throughout the night while watching TV, lay on the couch and go to sleep.  What is this saying to your husband/wife and kids?
You are staying connected with the rest of the world through e-mail, text, twitter (the most annoying things ever invented) and televsion, devoting your life and heart to work while  your husband/wife sits at home empty, feeling used up.     Your children sense second best and starve for your  attention.
I think so often we realize when our priorities aren't right but we justify what we did yesterday to excuse what we didn't do today.  The truth is needs are needs and needs must be met DAILY. This is why I told you to only think of today. You just never know what's in store for your spouse, friends, children or family today.  Did you rush out the door without kissing your spouse or kids goodbye and telling them you love them?  You may never return home.  Did you tell your spouse they are beautiful today?  Today may be the day they are tempted to commit adultery with a man/woman who is willing to tell them they are beautiful.  Did you tell  your spouse you appreciate what they do (it could be providing for the family through work, taking care of the children or anything else)?  Today could be the day your spouse feels unnoticed and becomes depressed due to feelings of worthlessness.  Would you want to be responsible for your spouse's suicide attempt?
You just never know...get your priorities in line.

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