Saturday, August 8, 2009

Too Big For His Britches

Next month Dalen will be 2. It's unbelievable but what gets me most is that Dalen is starting to act so grown up! There was once a time where as long as he had his mom he was ok. Tonight I learned different.

Mario went off to a football game with friends and I planned a little date out with Dalen. I was pretty excited to spend some one on one time with him. About 5 minutes after sitting down at the restaurant, Dalen let out a huge sigh and said, "When's people comin'??" "Uh, it's just me & you bubby," I responded. He then began to look around as if bored and crossed his arms letting out really loud sighs.

Our food came & he began to try to cut his chicken with his own fork. He refused for me to break up his food or cut it. He also refused to sit in a highchair. He sat in a big boy chair and did really well. The whole night was pretty sad! Yes, I guess there is a time for everything-I think it's his time to become more independent. SAD!

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