Monday, August 24, 2009

Week in Review

Well, Dalen had a great first week of school. Even though he is only going two days a week he can't stop talking about "Betty" (Becky his teacher). Here is the update she sent on his 1st week.

"Dalen is so precious. He is a joy to have in my class. He had a very hard time going to sleep. He cried until he fell asleep, otherwise he had a wonderful week!"

She also has a section on her report that says...Today I was...and she circled the words friendly, happy and cooperative.

I must say cooperative REALLY took me by surprise but made me oh, so proud all the same.

I must say working, parenting and being married is more exhausting than I ever could have imagined. BUT I am hanging in there and grateful for the opportunity and experience with my co-workers and clients.

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