Saturday, December 12, 2009

My Life With A Son

I am the youngest of the three girls. It was 60+ years on my mom's side of the family before a single boy was born. Needless to say, I am much more familiar with dealings of women than men. In fact I was terrified to have a boy! I was constantly wondering what in the world life would be like with a son.

Yesterday Dalen attempted color with a white crayon on white paper. He began to shout,"It's NOT worting (working)! GRRR!" After about three times of him doing this he lifted the crayon in the air with both hands and snapped the crayon right in half and then threw it over his shoulder like it was last week's trash. Yep, that's my life with a boy.

Oh my gosh, I could fill blog after blog with stories like this. Life is just so interesting with a son. I can't help but to now wonder what it will be like to have a daughter! Dresses, prissy shoes, doll babies, kitchen sets, soft pastels, hairbows (ugh, ugh, ugh) and so much more! Yikes! It's kind of scary! I say now I won't decorate my baby's hair like a Christmas tree with obnoxiously massive bows or torture her with panty hose as a newborn OR have her mistaken for the Pink Panther due to a plethora of pink-but I guess the truth is you never know what you will do. Babies come and your world changes. Your days are enhanced by the happiness they bring and you are encouraged by the little things they learn and in the midst of these times you find yourself doing those things. The things your mom did that you swore you would never do to your own child! The things you read in a parenting magazine because you are so desperately exhausted you will try anything. One thing is for certain-son or daughter-life will continue to be interesting!

PS-Mark my words though-I promise-Swear-Vow-to NEVER, EVER put my girl in those socks. You know those socks that are dressy and look like the top of them are being attacked by a lace factory. Those things used to itch the skin right off my bones!

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