Monday, March 8, 2010


In the words of Mr. Roger, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!" I just got back from strolling Little Lady at the park close to our house. After about two minutes of crying she settled down and fell peacefully asleep. I realized a lot on that stroll. (1) I am HORRIBLY out of shape. (2) I have ONE, yes ONE, pair of casual pants that fit. (3) I haven't shaved since months before I had Cola. I know disgusting! Once I can bend completely over in the shower without it hurting I bring out the weed eater and go to town. Trust me...that is what it will take.

Dalen is off to his Aunt's house. He is playing baseball, eating grilled cheese and trying to defeat her in air hockey. Talking about cheese, yesterday at my parents Dalen asked for some shredded cheese to snack on until lunch was ready. He offered some to his sister and my Dad explained very firmly she can NOT eat cheese. He then shook his head yes and said, "Oh yeah, she just eats boobs." HILARIOUS!

Everything is a bit of a blur since I had baby #2 but I think my sister gave Dalen a monkey for Valentine's Day. He calls him Curious George and we have slowly but surely realized George is Dalen. Dalen will say things like George needs to poop and two minutes later we realize George hasn't pooped but Dalen has. George gets whippings, time out and rocked to sleep. It's kind of sweet to see Dalen care for this stuffed monkey but I can't say I don't wish he would nurture his sister a little more like he does George. For the most part, George is treated well.

My chiropractor appointments are continuing. Still struggling with pain on occasion but I am so thankful the headaches have stopped for a few days. After waiting for a bit in the office, an older lady looked at me and said, "She surely looks a lot like you!" I then told the lady if she could see her brother and Dad she would totally change her mind. She took another long look at the baby and then at me (can I just say awkward?) and said, "Well, it's really her big, chubby, round face that looks so much like you." So with that said and my 6 week mark approaching quickly I am beginning my weight loss journey. And, that it will be...a journey. I loved weight watchers but I know I need exercise as well. This next week I will be thinking a lot about what route to take. I can't believe bathing suit season is just around the corner!

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