Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Little Man From Mars & My Little Lady From Venus

I have been a mom of two for nearly two months now. I have to give credit to God (for answering my prayers) things have calmed a lot. We have gone from having bad days and good moments to fine days and horrible episodes. These episodes can consist of just about anything-I will spare you the details.

We all know the saying Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus and you may have even read the book (yes, it really exists!). I surely hope this blog isn't misunderstood but I just have to write about my experience having the best of both worlds-a boy and a girl. Of course I don't love either child more than the other but I can definitely tell that you love your children for different things. Please don't misunderstand what I am saying. I love them the same but they are so drastically different that I appreciate them for different reasons which produces love in different ways.

I can already tell Dalen is going to be my best bud, one I will laugh and cry with but enjoy life with always and he's definitely my partner in crime. Cola Leese is going to be my best friend, one I can share intimate parts of my heart with and relate to in ways no one else can relate with me in. I can already sense the tension though. Tonight I went to our church's monthly women's get together and Dalen was told he couldn't go because it was an all girls event. He then began protesting he wanted to go to girl events. There are nights I can lay in bed for hours reading novels and holding Cola's hand and she is perfectly content and then there are days I can spend running wild, getting dirty and laughing hysterically with Dalen.

There are extreme differences that come from gender. My only hope is that my bond with my children meets the needs of each heart evenly.

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