Thursday, March 4, 2010


Last night was the first night I was left at home with the kids for an extended period of time. I conquered every obstacle quite well and patiently. It has been so stinking cold out that every time I leave with baby I am super sure of having her bundled up. I realized half way to Chick-Fil-A I had forgotten all about bundling myself up. I was in a short sleeve shirt and just about the time I noticed I didn't bundle up, Dalen begin crying and screaming from the back seat I forgot my shoes! I am pretty sure the drive-thru person thought we were either VERY poor or homeless.

Baby decided to throw the biggest fit yet in the back seat while we traveled home. She cried, cried, and cried. She NEVER cries! I was so super proud of Dalen. He began with the soothing phrase, "It's ok little girl! It's ok!" I gunned it when I sensed his frustration as the phrase was spoken louder and louder. Eventually he quit trying to calm her after he yelled, "It's ok little, hush...NOW!" Baby steps is what I have to recognize. As soon as we got in the house I realized it was passed time for her to eat and she was whaling! Then Dalen began to cry for his "chiten" (chicken). What I would have given for 3 extra arms! I began to fix her bottle and I noticed something so great-Dalen was totally silent. I peered over the bar in our kitchen only to find him holding the passy for his Sissy and gently rubbing her forehead. YAY! Dalen spent majority of the night holding his sisters hand and leading worship. There was a couple times where he jerked her arm up so she would worship to his songs but he did pretty good. We then had company and the rest is history. He became his out of control self. I don't know what it is about company but he becomes out of control!

Today was Hat Show & Tell at Dalen's school. Here is the hat he chose to show and the one he picked for sissy.

Hat from South Africa.
Hat from Paris.
Can't you tell she is loving this?!

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