Friday, March 5, 2010

What's In A Name?

Today Dalen got a haircut. He was so excited to go to "Victor" until we pulled in the parking lot and he began whining and covering his hair. Luckily it only lasted a second and he quickly warmed up to Victor after seeing his tattoos (which he thinks are super this a sign of things to come?)

The real reason for this post is to ask, "What's in a name?" Does it really matter what you name your kids? Will they really turn out the way their name is defined? Of course, I can't go two steps in public without people wanting to see my little one and ask her weight, age and then of course, her name. Just about every time I tell someone her name they think I am saying Cole Elise. Most of the time they ask her name, I tell them, then they tilt their head in deep thought, then ask me to spell it, then say something like "Oh wow, I've never heard that before." Then it ALWAYS ends in the person asking, "Where did you get that from?"

The truth is I liked the sound of Cola Leese. Sorry folks! No deep revelation from God or inspiring meaning or prophetic command from God telling me to name my child this. I just liked it...yeah, stone me now. Is it so bad that my child's name doesn't have some wonderful meaning that makes you tear up? If we all researched closer what our names meant we probably wouldn't want our children to fulfill their meanings. The truth is I've known some really sweet Amys and some not so sweet Amys. The same name, has the same meaning but let me tell you two Amys can surely act totally different!

I once read my name meant "pearl". In a Bible study once every one in attendance began talking about their names and their meanings. I laughingly said what mine meant. I said it in a tone that everyone knew I didn't really think it meant anything great. A lady began to cry (as I began to laugh) and said, "Oh, Megan! Pearls come with a great price and are of great worth!" Yeah, she was kind of strange. I just don't if I am totally convinced it really matters what your name means or if even has a meaning. What do you think?

And lastly, I leave you with pics of Dalen as he played baseball for the 1st time today. It was some sight!

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