Saturday, March 14, 2009

18 Kids and Counting

So, I'm a little behind living without cable. This weekend I have been watching TV online and happened to run across 18 kids and counting. This show is about The Duggar Family, who allows God to decide on how many children they will have. They began using birth control until Michelle conceived while on the pill and later miscarried because she didn't know she was pregnant and still took the pill. What an awesome display of faith! I really respect and admire couples who choose this route as opposed to birth control and our own planning methods. After all, God really does know what's best doesn't he?

I was in total shock as I watched this show. Every child was respectful, well behaved and their faith in God is very evident in all they do. Their family motto is J.O.Y. Jesus 1st, Others 2nd, Yourself last. WOW! What a great motto.

Here are just a few facts about the Duggars that will leave your mouth on the floor.

1. They do about 200 loads of laundry a month (with industrial washers and dryers!).
2. Mrs. Duggar has spent over 20 years of her life nursing! (OUCH! Pansy me barely made it 6 weeks!)
3. They have purchased over 3,500 articles of clothing and ALL of them have been used.
4. All of the kids names start with Js.
5. Mrs. Duggar has had close to 8,000 contractions in all of her pregnancies! WOW!
6. All the kids are home schooled! I'm not sure how I feel about this.

I'm not sure the difference between this family and Jon & Kate Plus 8 but one seems to be chaotic & in total disarray, while the other is completely organized and structured. Great, now I want cable!

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