Dalen is getting more and more hilarious by the day. I find myself cracking up at him constantly. He is starting to repeat things really well and I have been trying to take advantage of this a teach him things. I am getting an early start and trying to teach him why we celebrate Easter. He has responded Jesus! a few times at least.
I will ask him, "who is in the trinity?" He is learning to say fafa (father), son (ton) and holy ghost is just a shout. The other day I let several minutes pass to see if he could remember what to say. He looked at me confused and then said, "T?" Not quite! lol. T is his best friend and he willingly tells you that if you ask. On occaison its dada but most of the time it's T. My dad got him a Seasme Street remote for his birthday but he always thinks its a phone. The other day I pushed a button and it said, "hi!" Dalen started smiling really big and ran to grab it. He looked at it and said, "T? Hi!" Not quite again. He is so funny.
Mario was really wanting to get Dalen a learning program called my baby can read. Well before we found out it was $200! He was trying to convince me babies could read Charolettes Web. Yea, I was about as convinced as you are. I said, "Mario, Dalen can't even say Charolette." Dalen turned around and came up to and said clear as day Tar-yette. WHAATT!! lol
He is a year and half old this month! He can officially get out of his crib and let's just say I sleep with one eye open. I love my boy.
Gingerbread Party
4 weeks ago
Megan...When i was directing our daycare at church, we had a 2 year old whose parents had "My Baby Can Read." And sure enough...she was a step ahead of the others!!! It was actually amazing. She let me borrow it to look at it and had the daycare remained open, we were going to invest in it for the entire daycare!!! I was very skeptical about it until I saw this little girl!! CRAZY it was!!
I just wanted to say he's my best friend too!!
That is a super cute pic. of you two. You both look so happy! I've seen those infomercials and now I want that program and don't even have kids!!! :)
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