Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dreary Thursday

What an interesting day. Dalen is learning sooo much! I know he's only 18 months but I am CERTAIN he is ready to potty train! I am sure we will be price checking potties this weekend. This morning we are awakened by Dalen at 6:30 a.m.. This is a no, no. Of course, its a little hard to sleep in such a small house with a baby screaming so loud.

I begin to get ready for work and of course its raining. YUCK! Dalen doesn't like wearing hoods but I insisted considering we have to walk a million miles to work to avoid a ticket. I think it has to do with his hair being messed with. People are constantly badgering him about his big afro. I don't blame him for not wanting it messed with. So he was mad at me.

I turned some dance music on for him to release some energy. Before I knew it, he was pantless in front the the store mirror dancing and grabbing his crotch. Yep, he's ready to potty train. At first, I thought he thought it was cool he could take his clothes off and thats why he was doing it but as I began to evaluate it it's when he has messed his diaper up. So then he was SUPER mad at me when I wouldn't let him head bob around half naked. I was surely asking for it!

I just couldn't resist this SUPER ridiculous, outlandish tantrum on video. I think it helps when I can send it to Mario and he can share my pain. Enjoy and turn your volume waaay down!

Pantless Dance

He looks like a little

Longest tantrum EVER.

watch as he wonders off pointing his hand is in the back of his pants...trying to get them off.

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