Have you ever extended a kind act out of the goodness of your heart? If may have been really BIG or incredibly small. If it was truly a matter of the heart and nothing else, you probably soon forgot what you even did. Matters of the heart are inspired by goodness and forgotten when completed. You forget them because they are an act of true selflessness.
But have you ever received a kind act and later realized a plethora of strings attached? You then experience feelings of guilt that lead you feeling obligated to paying back with interest. These unfortunate findings are just that, unfortunate. The root of kind acts with invoisible strings is manipulation.
Did you know the Bible advises us to not borrow from anyone, so that we don't owe anyone later? But did you also know it commands us to give? Give to the poor, orphans, naked, widows, church and so many more. Don't be careful what you give, be careful how you give.
If you have a gift in mind and you are expecting something in return later, you might as well not give it all. Because initially its an investment. You are giving a little for something bigger in mind.
God loves a cheerful giver.
Mario Bros Birthday Party
2 days ago
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