Monday, May 4, 2009

Weekend Recap

This weekend I realized just how busy life can get if you allow it. Our weekends seem to stay so crammed that they come and go before we even know it. Friday, Dalen had to get shots. Of course that took up half our day because our horrible, unprofessional, slow pediatrician's office takes FOREVER. (We have to go to this one b-c its the only office in town that takes our insurance.) Friday night Dalen invited Yibby over and they played(faught, tortured, whined) for quite a while. I was able to get some great footage of them on our home video camera. Including Dalen falling completely on top of Olivia.

Saturday, we had breakfast with the rents. I did the hair and make-up of one of my closest friends, Damaris, for formal. That was so much fun. We hadn't done something like that in a looong time. Dalen then went to my parents for the night and stayed over. Him and Yibby both! Yea, my parents are troopers. We went to a Bible Study with close friends and didn't get in bed until about midnight (VERY late night for us!)

Sunday, we had service, hour of prayer at night, ministry coordinator meeting and then a meeting for arise with our dream team. WHOA! So much to do so little time. Here are my favorite highlights of the weekend.

1. Spying on Dalen playing in the bathroom only to find him fully clothed sitting on his potty with toilet paper. He would pretend to wipe over and over and laugh hysterically.

2. Dalen becoming angry with my dad because he wouldn't let him dig in his belly button.

3. Hearing pitter patter feet up and down the hallway and complete silence. When I went to check I found Dalen wiping up spilled milk with Mario's underwear he had sat out on the counter after he showered...needless to say he didn't wear them.

4. Dalen being able to go in a class at our church on Sunday instead of staying with us in service. YAY! He loved it and we look forward to him being able to go back again and again.

Here is Dalen tickling Olivia's feet. Notice she is NOT laughing. Listen to him say easy, easy as he pounds her back over and over. I guess he STILL doesn't know what easy means.

Can you tell who the boss is out of these two?

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