Lately I have realized how much my little mind thinks. The wheels up there are constantly spinning producing ridiculous questions and never ending thought! Sometimes it tiresome but I must confess, I have nothing to blog about right now (that I care to make public) besides more nothingness. So here we go...
Have you ever noticed that your pupils are constantly dilating and you never feel it!? When your mouth opens, you feel it! When you flare your nostrils, you feel it! But when your pupils dilate you feel nothing-or so I thought. The other day I was at another Medicare training, when the instructor kept ordering for the lights to be turned on and off so that we could see the white board and then the power point and then our manuals. Every time they would do this the room would go from radiating light to black darkness! I started noticing this discomfort in my eyes! And then it dawned on me-that must be what it feels like when they dilate! So can we feel our pupils dilating or is something terribly wrong with my eyeballs that will cause blindness before I know it??!!
What is the deal with vampires? Calm down all you Twilight readers with the little ticker, ticking away for the next movie to premiere-I am not knocking Twilight but genuinely asking what is so intriguing with vampires??!! Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Harry Potter...what is up with all this dark madness??!! And don't you just love the seductive commercials for Vampire Diaries-seriously folks there is nothing sexy about a blood sucking, sharp fanged individual with possessed eyes! Gosh, I guess I just have a handicapped imagination that won't let my poor unadventurous mind soar into the world of wizards, witches and vampires. I am truly no fun.
I must requote Anne Rice, "I am tired of the idea that the devil is the only interesting one." (Wow, is this woman not unique.)
Why do manicures chip quicker than pedicures?? I got an awesome pedicure by Posh Nails and it has barely lasted me a week but my pedicure lasted almost 3! Some people say its because you use your hands more. I beg to differ on that one! My toes endure close toed shoes, socks and walking so I am not really sure why one lasts longer than the other.
Do people think I don't own a mirror? Honestly folks-I totally KNOW I am massively pregnant with this baby and that I look about 7 1/2 months when I am only barely 6 months but when you ask how far along do you HAVE to act so surpised!? Gosh, so annoying! I have a mirror I know that I appear farther along than I am but looks can be decieving. I need to write a book called Don't Judge A Woman By Her Belly and list all the dos and don'ts when approaching pregnant women.
And a blog written by a mother wouldn't be a blog written by a mother without mentioning poop. So to sum this post up here is to poop...Dalen has been potty training (some days are better than others) and he can't finish going without taking a peek before flushing. Lately everytime he goes number 2 it's like he is looking at the clouds-he finds the most hilarious images right there in the toilet. The other day he spotted a taco and the next day some chips and the funniest of all-"Oh Wow Mommy! Chicken Nuggets!" Let's just express he is ALWAYS supervised when around the potty!
Hello Kitty Party
1 day ago