Friday, October 2, 2009

Mid 20s

I used to get really annoyed with young people who thought they were getting so old! You know mid 20s, 30s it's just not old. I turned 25 in July and it was no biggie. But I can honestly say now I know what the big fuss is about! My body feels different, my ears are more sensitive and most nights I am dozing off before my toddler has even thought of turning in for the night. I am trying to this age or pregnancy or a little of both?!

The other night I was enraged that college students were outside yelling and having a good ol' time SOOOO LATE at night. My husband looked at me like I was crazy, pointed to the clock and said, "Babe. Chill. It's 9:30." I couldn't believe it! I am that woman! The woman who feels it's midnight and hears EVERYTHING!

Our family was invited to a party, which started at 8 p.m. and my 1st response to Mario was, "Gosh! People have parties soooo late these days!" My husband just ignores me....he's a night owl.

Literally every time I come home and the TV is on I hold my ears (just like my dad used to) and say TURN IT DOWN!!! ITS SOOOO LOUD! Dalen and Mario look at me like I am the opposite of deaf....when you hear everything super sensitively.

So what do you guys think? Is this pregnancy, age, hormones, a little of it all?


Banta143 said...

hahah! Great post.. I just came across ur blog. I can totally relate to this b/c I just turned 27 in May and I find myself acting the SAME exact way!! Especially with the loud TV and 9:30 feeling like it's really midnight! I do think pregnancy plays a huge role in what you're dealing with, I know it did for me. =)

Unknown said...

A little of both! :) Praying for you and your baby girl!