Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gifts Galore

Well, here I am at that time of year. The time of year where everyone is talking about their wish lists, especially my three year old son. I am more of necessity type wish list person. I like things I am going to need rather than want because I know later down the road if someone gives me something I need it will free money up in our budget for me to buy things I want.

This year I actually do have some things on my wish list. Here they are.

Brown Boots...its been in the 20s lately! WOW!

Black boots

Since my camera is toast I'd like another digital camera. Not this particular one but a good quality one. With two little ones I am pretty determined not to miss a thing!

The Bakerella book! There are so many of these I want to try!

What's on your list?

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