Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Think Twice

One thing Dalen NEVER has to think twice about is taking a nap. It is always a BIG FAT NO! I love that he is constantly shaking his head and I can tell he is going to be very decisive (just like me!). I am already giving him choices so that he can learn to develop the ability to make decisions. There is NOTHING more annoying than someone who takes FOREVER to make simple decisions and nothing sadder than an adult who doesn't know how to make choices b-c their parents were always too busy doing it for them.

Here are a few decisions he is making...

1) Turkey or Ham jr. lunchable?

2) Color of crayon to use-he got a 24 pack of crayons in his Easter basket. he LOVES coloring and his first masterpeice is proudly stuck on the refridge...compliments of Dad.

3) Sandals or Tennis Shoes?

Its hilarious the confidence this has developed in him. Yes, I know he is only 1 1/2 but try it with your little one. SERIOUSLY! Oh don't you doubt me til you try! When he makes his choice I pat his back and tell him I am proud of him. He smiles, screams and cheers for himself like he just made the best decision in the world. But I want him to know at 1 (yes, even at 1) he is capable of making good decisions and that we support him. I can not tell you how much that means to a child. Ok, now go call your friends and tell them how crazy I am for this post. ;)