Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's New?

Goodness, goodness! So much going on in the Hood home! We officially own a potty! We aren't pushing anything drastic just getting Dalen aquainted with his new throne to which he proudly sits upon. Any potty training suggestions?
Today I realized what spiritual gift Dalen does NOT have-compassion. Because I work downtown, I am visited often by people in need. They have needed everything from food, money to car rides out of the state (as if I am not busy enough). Today a really pitiful lady came hobbling in. She was supported by a cane and welcomed her fanny flat on our couch where she sprawled out. Dalen didn't approve. He gasped for air as though he knew how inappropriate it was of her. She then proceeded to cry (without tears) and demand me to take her grocery shopping. Hmmm, aren't I working I thought. I explained to her I didn't have any money (which was the truth) and that she needed to leave. As she hobbled out she mumbled strange words under her breath and waved her cane about. After asking for a grocery shopping spree once more Dalen shouted NO, NO! Then she began waving her cane about again in our direction. He grunted throwing a bawled up fist in her direction. After she left, he began to cry. Not sure why, although my spirit is thinking it was a little conviction settling in. At least no one has to worry about me working in the "dangerous" part of Cleveland, we officially have security!
Mario was able to speak last night at Upsilon's formal induction. He was very honored and I heard rave reviews. I am so proud of him and all he is able to share with others. While he was gone I began to think of how NOT cool I was in college. I played no intermurals (sp.?), was in no greek club, sang in no chiors...I was truly a nobody. Oh well, I have a degree and a buttload of debt to prove that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe he is taking after his mom....maybe he was decerning something about the lady and could only express it by No!! NO!!!...just a thought...but anyway...I enjoy reading your blogs they are entertaining!!!
