Wednesday, September 15, 2010

All About Dalen

Since reading an article about birth order in a parenting magazine, I must confess I am in overdrive trying to be intentional about spending individual time with each of my kids. One part of the article factually stated that second borns get 3,000 hours less of attention than first borns do. I almost feel like it's been the opposite in our home. I try to give her so much attention that I feel like Dalen is often neglected. So here is a post all about Dalen!

A few weeks ago Mario took Dalen swimming and was lifting up in the air and then dunking him in the water. Dalen noticed Mario's collarbone and asked, "What are thems?" Mario explained they were collarbones and informed Dalen he also had them too. When he felt them Mario says he began to laugh and excitedly say, "I got bones!"

So, the obsession began with bones after the incident. You can only imagine how much it increased when my mom called to inform me my dad broke his foot. We immediately got on the IPAD and showed Dalen in skeleton form the bones in our feet and he can now identify and say "metatarsals". He prays for papa's metatarsals and asks him daily how they are. Here is a hilarious conversation he had with someone the other day.

D: Bishop, my papa broke his metatarsals!
B: Oh wow!
Me: He has developed a slight obsession over bones lately.
B: What other bones do you know?
D: All 206 of them, man!

And my favorite line ever he just said to my dad tonight...

"Papa, my pelvis helps me shake my butt hiney!"

He has also called him to say, "My sternum hurts!"

Today Mario went swimming with D and I took him to ice cream tonight. On the way to Cold Stone he began talking...

D: Is B's car pensive (expensive)?
Me: Uhh, yeah. (It's a BMW)
D: Is our car pensive?
Me: Well at one time it was. Like, a long time ago when it was new.
D: But, it's not now?
Me: No, not anymore.
D:Yeah, I didn't think so.

Too bad he has realized our car occaisonally smokes, the radio is broken, our driver's side window won't roll down, the driver's side mirror won't move and too many other things I don't have time to mention.


Shawn Virginia said...

It sounds like you have an orthopedic on your hands:-)

Abigail said...

I just got on here to write the same thing Shawn just said. How funny.... AND... just fyi, Gran got an Ipad. LoL. I'll be sure you meet up with her to train her on how to use it when you're in town. =)