While diamonds aren't my best friend, they definitely speak a language I can understand and only a language my Groom can speak and in this case I would not be talking about my husband. Bear with me and open your minds to a spiritual experience I had recently.
One random Sunday morning between our two morning services at church, a lady I have never seen before asked to speak to me. As soon as she asked me to into a quiet corner so we could be alone, peace came over me and I believe the Lord was letting me know everything that was going to occur within the next few moments had been ordained by Him.
The lady proceeded to tell me God had been compelling her to sow a seed into the life of someone else. She was uncertain at first what He wanted her to sow and who's life she was to sow it into. While praying, God allowed her to see my husband in her mind and she took it as direction to sow into his life. As sure as his face came into her mind He then spoke to her telling her, "No, I want you to sow into the life of my bride." She then knew he was referring to me.
The Lord used this woman to sow a diamond bracelet in my life (which I thought was rather odd at first) until she began to explain God was reminding me of my worth, through this bracelet. I later found out (through Google and my pastor's wife) the jeweler the bracelet was made by is one of best jewelers known. This is an area I have been struggling with and I knew this moment was orchestrated by God.
Today I received and e-mail from Twitter notifying me one of my favorite authors had requested to follow me on Twitter. I went through the house screaming, nearly giving my husband a heart attack. After accepting the request negative thoughts began to pour from my mouth. I shared them with my husband. They went a little like this...
"She probably has an assistant who does this. Why would she want to follow me?"
"She probably just got me tweet name b-c I follow her, there's no way she would know who I am."
"Maybe they are asking to follow her b-c her new book is coming out and her assistant is trying to get people who have shown interest in her work to buy the book."
My husband became pretty irritated of the questions and thoughts I was sharing because they were all established from a low self worth. My husband (biggest fan) began asking me some questions like...
"She may read your blog!" To which I laughed hysterically and replied, "Yeah right!" "Someone she knows may read your blog and they may have her about you."
Why is it that I know, God recently reminded me I am of great worth and that I am his bride and I continuously doubt I have no worth to anyone? I am pretty certain she doesn't read my blog (and just in case you do I am not a psycho!) but who is say it couldn't ever be a possibility?
We are all valued in the eyes of God! We need to realize it more and more. God is sending us reminders of how much we are worth everyday by protecting us, sparing us and blessing us. Besides so what if an assistant asked me to follow her maybe, just, maybe she will see something I say and be moved by it just I have been so very moved by her writings.
Mario Bros Birthday Party
2 days ago
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