Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Power We Ignore The Most

This picture was taken on Dalen's first Halloween. Every good post needs a super cute picture, right?? As promised, here is one of the blogs I told you to look forward to.

Because Mario and I are in youth ministry, we are in constant prayer and brainstorming how to be more effective in our approach to presenting the gospel. We have increased our knowledge in the areas of attention span and technology and change and I have quickly learned it isn't good enough to just know these things, we must put these things into practice.

People are constantly saying, "Knowledge is power!" I say, "Knowledge is power, until you ignore it's strength and then it becomes your defeat!" For example we KNOW the average attention span for teenager is 15-20 minutes BUT our service usually ends up being two hours long. How do we not lose these kids after 20 minutes?

After much reading and studying we found a long time ago how MTV captivates the youth of America; they are constantly changing the scenery, the story, the commercial every 5 minutes. Are we learning from MTV? You better believe we are! If they are going to use methods to entertain our youth with drug use, sexually explicit content, profane language, crude lyrics and so on you better believe we are going to take the same method and use it to captivate the hearts and minds of the youth for a kingdom minded principle.

Once this knowledge is put into practice we conquer the obstacle but if we simply tuck these facts into our minds without practice we are defeated losing the attention of our young people long before the time to do so. This is true in every area of life. Don't ignore the strength of knowing and practicing! Be on the winning side!

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